Frequently Asked Questions
How can I check my existing orders?
We will be transferring order history. In the meantime you can log into your old account here:
CastleMania Order History
Will my Castle Cash transfer?
Your Castle Cash and redeemed discount codes are now Rondo Credits on
We are working on a solution to unify rewards between both sites and will announce more details on this soon.
Will my order history transfer?
Yes, your accounts order history will be transferred to Rondo Products.
Your account will also be brought over to CastleMania Entertainment. more details on that soon.
*Please note that orders containing items no longer carried by either store may not transfer.
You can check your pre-orders and order history here:
When will the new site open
Rondo Products is open now
CastleMania Entertainment is open now
What is the difference between the new sites?
Rondo Products is gaming focused and features products made by Rondo as well as compatible prodcuts made by our friends ...basically the stuff you were buying at CastleMania Games before.
CastleMania Entertainment is going to be more of a mainstream channel supporting all physical media. With more options slipping away it was time to step up and meet the challenge of supporting the products and formats we all love so much.
How can I contact someone for help with an order?
You can create a ticket here:
or call us:
Phone support: (844) 994-2637
M-F 9-3 Pacific
Your pre-orders and order history can be viewed here:
What happens to my pre-order?
Your pre-order will fulfill as normal. No changes to pre-orders. You can view those here:
CastleMania Order History
Why a whole new website?
We needed a complete re-tooling of the site where it made more sense to start fresh than to continue customizing the old codebase.
What are your store hours?
Our store is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm.